4Cross Love Letter #1 Are you Red Flagging?

Dear 4Cross Love Birds,

The biggest factor in being self-aware is learning your position in the game of love. When my book comes out in a couple of months, you will have that chance, but until then, you can start to reveal clues about yourself.

In truth, the reality behind all the red flagging out there in the wilds of love is about understanding ourselves and one another. Nevertheless, there are still many ways you can learn to relate better today. So…

Here are four ways to prevent yourself from red flagging based on each position. Now, obviously, you don’t know your position yet but go through each one to see if one relates to you more than another. This will also start to give you a clue as to which position you are.

North - Balance your decisive and strategic nature with empathy. Take the time to understand and validate your partner’s emotions, demonstrating that you care about their well-being.

East - While spontaneity is one of your strengths, ensure you also provide consistency and follow through on your commitments. Unreliability can cause frustration and insecurity in your partner.

South - While being supportive is wonderful, ensure you voice your needs and desires. Being overly accommodating can lead to frustration for everyone involved. It’s important to ensure a balanced, respectful relationship.

West - While your attention to detail is valuable, try to be more flexible and open to change. Avoid being overly critical or rigid, as it can stifle the relationship’s growth. Avoid bottling up feelings or being overly reserved, as this can create emotional distance.

As you can see, these are four very different ways you can create unintentional problems in your relationships based on your position. If there is one thing that has been clear through all of my investigating over the years, it is how unaware we are of how we actually show up in our relationships vs. how we think we show up in life, just ask your mate!

Until we meet again,

Shelly LaVigne - Love Investigator

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Shelly LaVigne

Shelly LaVigne - The Love Investigator


4Cross Love Letter #2 What Position Are You?